One Direction - Nobody Knows 51816484
One Direction - Nobody Knows 51816484

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One Direction - Nobody Knows

Önceki başlık Sonraki başlık Aşağa gitmek
Mesaj Sayısı : 1031
Rep Gücü : 1964
Kayıt tarihi : 15/07/12
Yaş : 25
Nerden : Gaziantep
One Direction - Nobody Knows Vide
MesajKonu: One Direction - Nobody Knows One Direction - Nobody Knows Icon_minitime1Ptsi Eyl. 03, 2012 8:30 pm

One Direction - Nobody Knows

Nobody knows
Nobody knows but me
That I sometimes cry
If I could pretend that I'm asleep
When my tears start to fall
I peek out from behind these walls
I think nobody knows
Nobody knows no

Nobody likes
Nobody likes to lose their inner voice
The one I used to hear before my life
Made a choice
But I think nobody knows
Nobody knows

Oh the secret's safe with me

There's nowhere else in the world that I could ever be
And baby don't it feel like I'm all alone
Who's gonna be there after the last angel has flown
And I've lost my way back home
I think nobody knows no
I said nobody knows

Tomorrow I'll be there my friend
I'll wake up and start all over again

Oh the secret's safe with me
There's nowhere else in the world that I could ever be
And baby don't it feel like I'm all alone
Who's gonna be there after the last angel has flown
And I've lost my way back home
I think nobody knows
I said nobody knows

Nobody Knows, but me.
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One Direction - Nobody Knows

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