One Direction - Everything About You 51816484
One Direction - Everything About You 51816484

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One Direction - Everything About You

Önceki başlık Sonraki başlık Aşağa gitmek
Mesaj Sayısı : 1031
Rep Gücü : 1964
Kayıt tarihi : 15/07/12
Yaş : 25
Nerden : Gaziantep
One Direction - Everything About You Vide
MesajKonu: One Direction - Everything About You One Direction - Everything About You Icon_minitime1Ptsi Eyl. 03, 2012 7:58 pm

One Direction - Everything About You

You know I've always got your back, girl
So let me be the one you come running to, running to, r-r-running
I said it's just matter of fact, girl
You just call my name
I'll be coming through, coming through, I'll get coming

On the other side of the world, it don't matter
I'll be there in two, I'll be there in two, I'll be there in two
I still feel it every time
It's just something that you do
Now ask me why I want to

It's everything about you, you, you
Everything that you do, do, do
From the way that we touch, baby
To the way that you kiss on me
It's everything about you, you, you
The way you make it feel, new, new, new
Like every party is just us two
And there's nothing I could point to
It's everything about you, you, you
Everything about you, you, you
It's everything that you do, do, do
It's everything about you

Yes, I like the way you smile with your eyes
Other guys see you but don't realize that it's m-my loving
There's something about your laugh that it makes me wanna have to
There's nothing funny so we laugh at n-n-nothing

Every minute's like our last so let's just take it real slow
Forget about the clock that's tick-tick-ticking
I still feel it every time
It's just something that you do
Now ask me why I want to

It's everything about you, you, you
Everything that you do, do, do
From the way that we touch, baby
To the way that you kiss on me
It's everything about you, you, you
The way you make it feel, new, new, new
Like every party is just us two
And there's nothing I could point to
It's everything about you, you, you
Everything about you, you, you
It's everything that you do, do, do
It's everything about you

And you have always been the only one I wanted
And I wanted you to know without you I can't face it
All we wanna have is fun
But they say that we're too young
Let them say what they want

It's everything about you, you, you
Everything that you do, do do
From the way that we touch, baby
To the way that you kiss on me
It's everything about you, you, you
It's everything that you do, do, do
Like every party is just us two
And there's nothing I could point to

It's everything about you, you, you
Everything about you, you, you
It's everything that you do, do, do
It's everything about you
Sayfa başına dön Aşağa gitmek

One Direction - Everything About You

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